DocFinity software offers several methods of importing documents into the DocFinity ECM repository that make capture painless and hassle-free.
• Scanning—Used for backfile conversion and capturing paper as it enters your organization. There are no scanning station charges and there is no volume charge.
• Indexing—Allows you to categorize your information according to business needs so that documents can be retrieved quickly and easily.
• eForms—Enables users to input, store, and access forms securely from any location and use them to launch appropriate business processes.
• Object Importer—Lets you import any type of file and save it to a batch for later indexing.
• Index Importer—Allows you to automatically index documents into the repository.
• Email Importer—Lets you monitor email accounts and import emails along with their attachments.
• Print to DocFinity—Lets you create PDF versions of documents and save them into the DocFinity repository.
• COLD-ERM—Captures print streams (text and complex) for easy storage and retrieval of computer-generated reports.
Contact us to learn how easy and affordable a conversion from paper to electronic processing can be.
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