en.Payment Safe

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en.PaymentSafe is a new service from global compliance and payment solution/service provider EastNets that supports connectivity to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network.

en.PaymentSafe is designed for lower-volume users who would like to process their financial messages easily with a low total cost of ownership. By leveraging the ability of financial institutions to only pay for what they use, they can take full advantage of the on-demand feature. en.PaymentSafe utilizes existing EastNets products that make possible SWIFT Message creation, verification, authorization and approval; Anti-Money Laundering background checks; Reporting; Bank Identified Codes (BIC) and International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Validation; and eName Checker for black list search. The solution runs on the EastNets Service Bureau (en.Service Bureau), a highly reliable managed service that connects more than 250 financial institutions to the SWIFT Network.

The new service is managed and maintained by a team of expert SWIFT-certified engineers. Customers enrolled for en.PaymentSafe only need a standard Internet browser to access the service. en.PaymentSafe’s model allows for fast deployment and mitigation of in-house development costs.

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